Take up space | dream big | take confident steps | help more people

business coaching, branding & websites

for wellness teachers

Creative and empowering consultancy to help you share your magic with more people and create the wellness business you’ve been dreaming about.

Take up the space you know you deserve, share your message and awesome work with the people whose lives you can transform deeply (and feel great doing it, too.)

Bring your big dreams to reality - whether that’s Retreats, a Studio, packed community classes, or even an online course.

You deserve that success and a guide to help you get there.

It’s time to put your big girl/boy/they business pants on, make confident steps down the road following a step-by-step approach. Imagine knowing what to do, when and how - then you amplify that with branding and a website that perfectly match you - it’s easy to see exactly how you will get those amazing customers clicking Book Now.

Clients & Jade seen in:

services to build your wellness business:

coaching & consultancy

1:1 business & marketing coaching helps you find clarity, confidence and a solid plan for making your wellness business a success.

brand design

Looking to build a connection with your audience that keeps them coming back & feels just like you? Branding is your answer.

yoga website homepage mock up

website design

​Showcase yourself as the pro you are whilst saving time, making you more money, and getting found on Google.

hiya, I’m Jade!


If you’re on a mission to help people feel happier and healthier with busy classes, retreats or whatever else and don’t want to work yourself to the bone and live life to the max… you’re in the right place.

I’m a multi award-winning PR & marketing expert and author with 18 years experience - 12+ years in marketing & PR with global automotive manufacturers, 6+ years teaching yoga and climbing independently, lecturing on Teacher Trainings and working with business owners exactly in your shoes.

I know there’s huge power in business skills, marketing, “feels-like-me” branding and websites for every wellness business - let’s unleash that power together.


My big thing? Helping you unleash your inner power so you can get what you do in front of the people you can deliver big transformations for.

You’ll find examples of my work dotted all over the site, plus cherry-picked projects and case studies in my Portfolio and on
my Instagram.

This is the proof in the pudding that branding and websites make a huge difference to how you feel and how you’re seen in your business.

Anna Pichowski, Earth Circle | Yoga Teacher

Mini Brand & Mini Website
Milton Keynes, UK

Lianne Rochford | Yoga Teacher

Mini Brand & Mini Website
St Neots, UK

Rebecca Allen | Yoga Teacher

Big Brand & Bespoke Website
Sheffield, UK

Ellie Merritt, No Pressure Yoga | Yoga Teacher

Big Brand
King’s Lynn, UK


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