articles about wellness business, websites & branding
The With Pride Creative Blog

On perfectionism as a yoga teacher
Perfectionism can be absolutely paralysing. Let's explore how this manifests in business and some tools to help you banish it, for good.

Follower numbers don’t matter.
It’s so easy to get hung up on how many followers you have on your social channels; and see that as a crucial factor to your success as a yoga teacher, pilates teacher, PT, studio or any business in the wellness space. I totally get it’s easy to see “oooh she’s got 200k followers, I bet she’s making BANK”.

Why it isn’t the end of the world if someone doesn’t like your class
If there’s one thing yoga teachers dread it’s a bad review or feedback that someone didn’t like the class you poured a lot of time into preparing and just delivered from the depths of your soul.
Let's discuss how to avoid this happening.

3 quick & easy ways to make a long term impact on your wellness business
Making your yoga or wellness business easier and more enjoyable to own, perform better (i.e. more clients who stick around) and a nicer place to work doesn’t need to take hours, or be complicated.
I’m going to share 3 quick and easy areas you can change up that will have long lasting benefits for your wellness business.